Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dividends and Such is Life

How dare you not say hello to me at the beginning of this post? I thought we settled this last week. You were supposed to greet me this time. What happened? Why couldn't you live up to your expectations? We paid you plenty of money. You need to be fired immediately. I don't mean after lunch, I mean immediately. Even though it's after lunch at this time currently right now, I mean immediately. Don't wait until after lunch. I should be able to go back in time seven hours and you will have already been fired. It needs to be done.

Can you even count the number of times I have used the letter E? Probably not. It's an extremely common letter to be had. I could try and make a sentence without the letter E in it, but it probably wouldn't work. Instead, I'm going to write a sentence that replaces the Es with 7s; that way it's fair. 7v7rything 7v7ntually cr7at7s 7xtr7m7ly gr7at b7autiful b77s. See? Everything worked out just fine. No one got hurt. It was not a fatal sentence. The Es were just replaced with 7s for economic reasons. That's all. No need to be afraid.

I'd just like to apologize to everyone involved in the making of that last paragraph. It got very out of hand, and I have no idea why the paragraph basically imploded. The people in charge of creating that paragraph will be fined a substantial amount of money for their faults. We are not pressing charges, however. We'll leave that up to the C4 steamrollers. OH MY DID YOU SEE THAT? DID YOU SEE THAT? AN ACTUAL JOKE. AN ACTUAL JOKE WAS MADE. IT WAS BAD BUT IT WAS AN ACTUAL JOKE.



Thursday, September 18, 2014

Nepal Really

If you can't even seem to remember how to become, then why even try it? I mean, it's quite simple to determine whether or not becoming is something that you are remotely capable of achieving. Like, if you were Spanish, and you were like "Oh man I should totally go become a citizen of France since Spain is all like near France." but in Spanish because people in Spain speak it, and you weren't actually able to become a citizen of France, that's something that you should have known going into the whole transaction. You shouldn't find out that you cannot become during your endeavor of becoming. It's simply bad morals.

Speaking of morals, I've heard that there is this really big reef over by Australia. Can you believe it? Australia! I cannot even begin to believe how Australia could be doing something worth while. It's proved unsatisfactory over the last few its entire existence. I mean a reef is a pretty neat thing to contribute to the world. There are no other words to describe the whole situation other than Gwamp. Gwamp may not be a word, but it is definitely the only one that can describe the situation between the reef and Australia. 

The only thing left I have to talk about in this post is nothing. So this will be quite a short paragraph. Or maybe not. I may spend this entire paragraph talking about how I had no other plans of anything to talk about. It's a large limeade. I wrote dilemma but I spelled it wrong and one of the suggestions to correct it was limeade so I just went with that. It seemed like a logical choice at the time. How many can be found in Montreal?


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Did You Even Can?

Welcome to the post of very cryptic title! It's cryptic. Get it? It looks like a crypt. As in like, a weird burial tomb thing. Seriously, can you believe it? Some people are cryptic without even realizing it. Sometimes, you get these big bank CEOs that are so cryptic their skin is made out of ancient stone. It's really a grand phenomena that is sweeping the nation. Sometimes people think that it's not true. Those people are completely incorrect. Anyone with common sense could see that, but that's okay.

Would you believe that Srebrinovo is a village in the Panagyurishte municipality of western Bulgaria and has exactly twenty-five inhabitants? Well you better believe it because it's true. Look it up if you don't believe me. Seriously. I cannot believe Bulgaria would stoop to this level. I bet you most people on the entire planet had no idea that this town existed. If we just count the 25 people that are in the town, that's 25 out of 7,000,000,000 people that know about the town. But if we consider that maybe a few people travel through the town, and maybe the 25 inhabitants have family outside of the town, that's still like 100 at most out of 7 billion. 99.99% of all people on the planet have no idea about Srebrinovo, the village in the Panagyurishte municipality of western Bulgaria.

In that same municipality, there is a village called Bata. It has 1,345 inhabitants, but that's a story for another day. Once, a giant gummy bear attacked this city. Again, that's a story for another day. I have literally scheduled this story to be told five months from now. I can say that, even though I didn't actually schedule it, because neither of us will remember about this paragraph five months from now. And if I do remember, you sure will look foolish. Won't you?



Thursday, September 4, 2014

Larva Sometimes

Good morning! It's not morning! Tricked you! You don't believe it. No, I cannot read minds. I'm telling you don't believe it. It's a command. You will listen to me. No, I cannot predict the future. That is also a command. Really. I'm not joking. I can read my own mind so I know that for a fact. Really. I'm not lying. Refer to what I said a moment ago to justify how I know that I am not lying. I haven't really said much to start off this post. I've mostly written some words that don't say much at all. I know this, I can read my mind.

This is the notorious second paragraph in this Abflats post. This paragraph has the reputation of being the paragraph where things get done. Unfortunately, this Abflats post is dedicated to not getting things done. So, you have been deceived. This second paragraph here will not be doing its job today. It is on vacation. Like, it went to Fiji. What I don't understand is why you would go to Fiji on September 4th. Like, out of all the days you could ever go to Fiji on, you would expect September 4th to be the last possible day that you would consider going to Fiji. Literally there are like 364 other possible days. You could go to Fiji once on every single one of those days and probably wait until the 365th day to go to Fiji on September 4th. It's a real phenomena.

That being said, that being the second paragraph of getting things done, unlike today where it got nothing done, this last paragraph won't be doing any work either. Do you pronounce either with a long E or a long I? They're both in there. It's basically the difference between large intestines and Guatemala. Is Guatemala a tropical place? It's fair to say that my knowledge of Guatemala extends only to the fact that the name of it is Guatemala. I could not point Guatemala out on a map. I'm so sorry.
