
What you are reading right at this moment is an about page for the Absurd Flatulence blog. Why on earth you would want to know more about such things is beyond me. I do not know much about the subject of Absurd Flatulence, but I shall tell you what I know. Absurd Flatulence, according to a small tribe in Kenya, is something meaning orange brambory pudink. I have no idea what a brambory pudink is, but I assume the fact that it's orange makes it worth while. If you have questions about the orange brambory pudink, or Absurd Flatulence, I recommend that you ask the tribe in Kenya. However, if you do not have the abilities to contact said tribe, feel free to go to the contact page of this blog and ask me. All we need to do is ban together and find that ID.


P.S. New posts every Thursday 

(On a more serious note: This blog contains random narrative fiction written in a very dry and nonchalant manor. Most people will not find this funny, but some will. To those some, I will indiscriminately hide in your trash cans.)

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