Thursday, February 2, 2017

u ever seen a grape, boy?

I cannot BELIEVE that. I mean really! Oh, sorry. I was in the middle of a different post. I guess I will start writing this one now. It's better than the other post, anyway. The other post is about buoys, and we all know how much the buoys support nationalism. Buoys are not the topic of this post, though. We've already discussed their disgusting properties. This post, rather, is about- 

What if, as like a joke or something, the Oreo company like packaged just the white fillings instead of their full cookies in one pack? Like, usually you get that little, blue, rectangular package where you peel the top plastic cover revealing like 30ish cookies made of small black circles with white paste in between them. What if they didn't put the black circles around the white stuff, and just put white stuff in the package? It would still be sealed like normal. Nothing about the packaging would be out of the ordinary, just it only contains the cookie fillings. I think that would be-

We should buy New Hampshire


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