Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tortilla Government

It's again that time. Time, indeed, for another one of Alarmingly Realistic Fried Shrimp Emoji's famous rap songs. That's right. A famous song that is in the rap genre written by Alarmingly Realistic Fried Shrimp Emoji. Or ARFSE, as he likes to be called on his rap albums. Now, ARFSE would love to sing to you one of his famous rap genre songs. Alas, this is a text post with literally no sound capabilities. Therefore, as substitute, we will just list the lyrics to Alarmingly Realistic Fried Shrimp Emoji's famous song in the genre of rap. The song goes as follows:

Oh how the shrimp comes sweeping down the plains,
When the golden brown is exactly how you want it to be,
Just as someone's knees are when they get a slight tan.
Sometimes people dip fried shrimp in some sauce,
And that's just downright fascism.
Absolute, total, complete, undoubtably fascism.
If I catch ANYONE dipping fried shrimp into sauce,
I will personally oversee the end of your dynasty.

That's basically how his song goes. You can imagine ARFSE singing that with a killer tuba beat in the background. It really ties together his famous rap album entitled 'Oops, I Consumed Cement'. He has many more albums out, but they're just photo ablums in the wrap genre. Not music in the rap genre. When ARFSE isn't singing rap songs, he's taking photographs of various wraps. Chicken wraps, turkey wraps, Listerine® wraps. He just loves 'em.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Rocks Aren't Food

It's time once again for everyone's favorite, and I mean FAVORITE, hello. There's six major differences between pine trees and parliamentary style governments. The first, and most obvious, difference between the two is that one is a type of tree and the other is a type of government. Though I will not derive the other five differences here, they can be found from numerous online sources. Just go to your favorite search engine, which isn't Bing, and search for the major differences between pine trees and parliamentary governments. You'll find what you're looking for.

Instead of national lotteries giving million dollar rewards to a single person, they should give out single dollar rewards to millions of persons. So like, if one lottery's jackpot was $913 million, they could just give out $1 to 913 million people. They would get a lot more votes for congress that way, because people would actually purchase the

forget it.

Disregard that last paragraph. I allowed the official Abflats Intern to write it. And, given that he is a literal toad, like the frog creature, he isn't very literate. He's lucky he still works here after giving warts to my whole family. I forgave him even though he ate my pet fly collection. I swear though if he pulls another stunt like that second paragraph in this post it's out to the wilderness with him. Or maybe I'll glue him to the ceiling and sing Christmas carols for the rest of my life.


Thursday, October 13, 2016




Thursday, October 6, 2016

How to Speak Braille

Hello, and welcome, to this rare tutorial style post. Today's post is meant to be a comprehensive guide with detailed instructions on how to speak braille. Speaking braille is integral in communicating with the blind, and deaf, alike. Speaking braille has many practical uses in industry. Get ahead of your colleagues by processing the necessary skills to communicate business and ideas with the sight impaired. Now, speaking braille is no easy task. It takes many hours of focus and determination. But trust me, once you have mastered this all important skill, the time spent practicing will be well worth the effort. 

The first step in acquiring this ability is having the right mindset. Incorrect mindset is the first, and perhaps biggest, pitfalls to learning how to speak braille. Over sixty five percent of the people who try to learn this technique fail within the first week due to the improper mindset. How do you get in the correct mindset, you ask? It is actually surprisingly simple. First, set aside an hour or two of your time to be able to focus on this step. Once you're available, clear a space on the floor and sit in a meditative position. Here comes the trickiest part, clearing your mind. Try to remove everything from your mind about your daily life. Only one thing should remain in that noggin of yours at the end of this session: tiny bumps. For this hour to two hours, you should only be thinking of those tiny, tiny bumps that make up braille writing. This will put you in the mindset to learn how to correctly speak braille.

The final process to learning to speak braille is to simply practice. Speaking braille is really quite simple. It takes just a few very dedicated weeks of practice before you're out there speaking braille like a pro. Once I tell you the proper technique, practice once a night for however many weeks it takes you to feel comfortable. The amount of practice you need with vary with your age, weight, and white blood cell count. To start the proper form to speak braille, stand upright with your feet together and your arms at your side. Next, point your chin straight up to where the back of your head makes as close to a ninety degree angle with your neck as possible. This opens up your esophagus wide enough to be able to speak braille. If you cannot quite go all the way to ninety degrees comfortably, anywhere between eighty to eighty five is acceptable. Finally, emit the loudest audible scream you have ever produced in your many years of existence. Go as loud as conceivably possible. Don't stop until your face starts to turn bright purple. Congratulations. You spoke braille.
