Thursday, September 29, 2016

Ground Up Soda Machines

Hello and it's time for the South. That's right, the South. I don't mean the southern United States. I mean Antarctica. If you were a peach farmer, you would know what I am talking about. I don't mean to offend you, but you're stupid. You fail to realize what a simple peach farmer can realize. That makes you less of a human than a peach farmer. Are you neck.

I will eradicate the vegetable-fruit population. I don't mean the fruit and vegetable population. I mean the vegetable-fruit population. That is to say, vegetables that are also fruits. Some examples of these mythical edibles include ,, +=error. They will all cease to exist once I get through with them. And I'm not through with them until the Alps turn to dust.

You must be some sort of histogram. I don't mean those weird graphs where the bars are next to each other. I mean the huge bags of gravel you can get from the local mud shop. The shop that sells mud. Shop that specializes in a dirt and water mixture. That store. They also sell gravel. Some say they also sell mud. If you breathe the mud into your lungs hard enough, gold will happen. Thanks.



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