Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dolphins for President

Welcome to the post. That's right, this is the post. If it wasn't the post, there would be no way for us to claim that this was the post. So, since we claimed this post as the post, this is the post. There is no further discussion to be had on the matter. Frankly, I find your blatant disregard for His Majesty, the post, King of Posts, an act of treason. And as far as posts are concerned, the punishment for treason is probably tax fraud.

There is absolutely no possible way that the moon is real. I mean look at it. First of all, it's round. We all know that round things don't exist. Secondly, it's craterous. Now, when was the last time you saw something real AND craterous. Exactly. Furthermore, if everyone is so sure that the moon exists, why does it only show up during night time? You would think, for something to be real, that it would exist all the time, and not just some of the time. You can't fool me, giant rock looming high over the night sky. I know your tricks.

What if pretzels could talk? And I mean legally, of course. I know that pretzels can already talk. Pretzels should be allowed to exercise their rights as food products. The constitution applies to them as much as it applies to you or I. There is no reason they should be deprived of the freedom of speech and the freedom to be tried by a jury of its peers. We all must support the civil rights movement for pretzels. Even if it costs us our fruit cake operations.


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