Thursday, March 26, 2015

Are You a Burden

Normally, I don't start out an Abflats post with the word 'normally'. But today is different. I felt today felt like a day that felt like when you would feel like starting off an Abflats post with the word 'normally'. It's a great. So long as Hal Williams doesn't get you. Then you would be in trouble. I mean, he's almost as bad as Alabama, the state. Alabama the state is really forgetful though. I mean, just look at their nature. They haven't watered their nature in years, silly rascal that Alabama. I bet if we annexed Alabama, the people there would still neglect to water the nature. The nature needs water, Alabama, can't you see that?

Speaking of Alabama, have you seen that new double decker mustache trend? It's a trend wherein more than the usual number of people can be seen wearing double decker mustaches. What double decker mustaches are is really very simple. Imagine a normal mustache on someone's upper lip, and then imagine another normal mustache right above that one, also on someone's upper lip. It's just two mustaches one on top of the other. They're pretty neat except for the foul odor that it produces that still baffles scientists.

It's really a mystery as to why buildings need to be purple. In reality, you would expect buildings not having to be purple. I assure you that they do in fact need to be purple. You may be saying, "but I've seen buildings that aren't purple before." You may be right, however, you have not considered the fact that you maybe don't know your colors. Purple is a mixture of red and blue with generally more blue than red. It's sometimes called violet by people who I don't like to associate with. You should learn these things.


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