Thursday, January 8, 2015

You Can't if You Bribe a Muffler

Hello. Hello. I said it twice. It was extremely inconsistent to the content that was before it, because that was utter nothingness. And I mean cow utters too. Not the undefinable, like, adverb or something. That's just crazy talk. No one likes English anyway. The English don't even speak English they speak Horatioish. It's a fascinating language in that it just adds useless U's everywhere. Like in colour or favourite or armour. It's really inconvenient to those who are allergic to the letter U. Therefore, I would like to officially sue the United Kingdom for their persecution of people who are allergic to the letter U. There is absolutely no reason we have to be this discriminatory in 2015.

Is it weird to think that someday our lives could be completely based around syrup that is artificially flavored? Like, not even the real stuff from Vermont, I mean the made in a factory out of yellow squares artificially flavored maple syrup. It will be a very dark time indeed. I believe that's what the film 'The Matrix' was based around. The artificially flavored maple syrup based future that is inevitable. There is literally no escaping the nightmare that will soon be our lives when they will be based around artificially flavored syrup exclusively.

I hope to soon start the third paragraph of this Abflats post. It is with great honor that I officially announce my goal with the entire blog of Absurd Flatulence. And that goal is to start the third paragraph of this Abflats post that will be posted on January 8th, 2015. When I conclude starting this third and final paragraph of this week's Abflats post, my goal for starting this week's abflats post will be completely completed. It will be a terrific day for all those involved in helping me reach my goal of starting this week's post's third paragraph.


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