Thursday, October 9, 2014

Potato Diplomacy I

Everytime I think of an off topic title for one of these posts, it always seems like I have already used this title before. Even though I normally just think of a random collection of words. I always feel that I have said that random collection of words before. Therefore, starting today, all Abflats posts will be titled Potato Diplomacy. This is the first Potato Diplomacy, so it gets I. The next one will be called Potato Diplomacy II, then III, and so on. Romans, they were a crazy bunch making numbers out of lines.

The title of this post was not the only thing I wished to talk about during today's post. There were hundreds of things that I wanted to mention. Unfortunately, I only have time to mention thirteen of them. So I will go ahead and get started. Porcupine, derivative, society, feral, mints, tooth, backwards, left, eleven, top hats, Gordon, fedora, and the Alps. That's really all I had time to talk about during this post. I can't mention the other ones because they would simply take up too much time. The reason I only said thirteen out of hundreds is because the time it would take to speak of all hundreds of the things I wanted to mention was just too great for the amount of time that I actually had to mention things.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we can begin the third paragraph. Have you ever noticed how lightning doesn't make sense at all? Me too. It's extremely. Not to say that it sometimes isn't, just that it normally is. Adverbs are the secret to any healthy lifestyle. Along with carrots. Carrots and adverbs are really the only two things you need to do in order to lose weight fast. That's right, you're still reading this. This was the most pointless collection of words organized into sentences organized into three paragraphs that I have ever created.



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