Thursday, October 30, 2014

Not Potato Diplomacy Anymore I

Yes, you are correct. You have just witnessed an entire month of posts have titles which contain the words 'Potato Diplomacy'. You have no idea why you have just witnessed this, you just have. The problem with this realization is that I am now out of titles for Abflats posts forever. I said last week that I would not call this week's post Potato Diplomacy IV, and I haven't. But, now the only titles I can think of doing are Not Potato Diplomacy Anymore II, III, IV, and so on. If you have any ideas of which I can call new Abflats posts in the future, please mail them to my P.O. box in north-east Asia. I've hidden a letter behind the grave stone of Benito Mussolini which contains the exact address. If you wish to mail me something, you must find that first.

If we just all get together and realize that the ultimate leaders of the world are aspen trees then everyone will get along just fantastically. It's really not that difficult. I know that fantastically is not an apple, but it works for the situation. I like to think of it as more of a locomotive. It makes more sense in the context of aspen trees ruling the world than in the context of like multiplication tables or even small baby seats. It's, also, no question that John Williams will be making the soundtracks to all these aspen trees. They will play it during they're bombardments of various countries in Antarctica.

Speaking of Antarctica, I've heard that Pringles, the chips, have decided that they will be running for office next election year. It's really surprising but I think it will be a good addition to the mix of candidates that know the difference between affect and effect. It will be interesting to see how the poles turn out in a year and some days. Good evening. Hello. I greeted you at the end of the post this time.


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