Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pubble Ppace Pelescope

Hello, and welcome to this Thursday edition of Abflats, which only comes out on Thursdays and occasional Fridays. Today we are going to talk about types. Not just any types, types of things. Now, this may alarm some of you, and I don't mean to alarm you, it's not my intention to scare you, I don't mean to strike fear in you, this is not meant to cause you any reason to panic, but there are many different types of many different things out there on planet Earths. By the way, scientists have agreed to rename Earth to Earths. They let out a really in-depth press statement explaining, with facts, on why they renamed Earth to Earths, but their main reason is 'why not we're scientists'.

So next on our list of thing types, is Earths' seasons. There are many different seasons, as you know, that make our lives on Earths either really bad or moderately bad. Basically, the seasons are in Ghandi types. There are eleven types of Ghandi that the seasons could choose from every year. The way choosing works is that every January 13, Earths chooses the type of Ghandi that it would like to display two years following that January 13. No one knows why it is two years after the choose date, but that is how it is and we have to live with it. As far as we know, and we know very little of the Ghandi types as of now, but we believe that the eleven types of Ghandi are green type and five type. We think that the Ghandi seasons are made entirely of five green types, and six five types of Ghandi. That is what we believe to be true about the seasons of Earths.

Now it's time for a question to our very wise scientists that discovered the Ghandi types. If counting is as accurate as many people across the globe think it is, how on Earths could three not be four? I mean, it's a very pressing topic in today's culture that really needs answered. I wish we knew this question, because understanding this topic will open the door to many other secrets throughout the galaxy. Mostly if there are other types of Ghandi out there, but we will leave that to be discovered.


-- Now it's time for the newest addition to Abflats that we will now be doing every week until we are no longer doing it. It's called 'Abflats Teaches You English'. Today's Abflats Teaches You English is creating two sentences as scary as you possibly can. "Imagine that you were trapped in a room with environmentalists. Now imagine that you are the only one in the room wearing a weather suit completely made from sheep wool." GOODBYE

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