Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bleach Popcorn

You thought that I forgot about this post again, didn't you? WELL THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS yeah I totally forget yeah. Well, I'm writing it here and now and I'm also very tired and this post will be shorter than you would normally expect because of reasons that I have just recently stated above this very sentence. It's really quite simple.

When you see a little girl counting down from 10, you certainly don't expect the video to suddenly zoom into the girl's right eyeball. It get's really pixelated in there if you zoom in too far. Then, of course, you have the atomic explosions that happen afterward. Lyndon B. Johnson might as well say that you will die for not voting for him. How rude of him. He didn't even have a mustache.

If you had a sixten seventh year birthday when you were twenty five, you wouldn't really find a cactus gift acceptable. Why would someone give you a cactus gift? That's totally inappropriate. Nothing, and I mean something, could not be worse than a cactus gift. You might be expecting socks or some bruised tomatoes, but not a cactus. Balloon animals will rule the world.


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