Thursday, October 10, 2013

He Went to HERALD

As you could probably tell by the fact that the title includes the word Herald, the title includes the word Herald. That is absolutely okay. Nothing is wrong with that. The only reason I say this is because there is a group of axe wielding squirrels right next to me. Squirrels are in the rat family, yet many people think squirrels are cute. Those same people would rather have both their arms devoured by angry jellyfish that see a rat inside their house. Even if their house in just a tree. Rats love trees. I know rats, okay. 

Inequalities are really not equal. Why aren't they called unequalities? Unequal is a word. Inequal isn't. Why is unequal a word, yet inequality is a word. Unequality would surely suit it just as well an inequal would suit itself with a tuxedo. Either way, I just want to let people know that I am currently doing three things right now. Including writing this post. It's incredible. In fact, it's inaudible too. Like, you're reading this. So unless you have that Dragon software or whatever that reads text to you, you can't hear these words. Even if you had ears, you wouldn't be able to cope with the fact that you have no hears. Sears.

Now what if, and this is a big what if, what if the government, instead of giving us taxes, gave us number lines? What would happen? We could like plot points and stuff. It would be awesome. A lot more fun than taxes. What about rabid bee hives even? Those are cool. Would you rather have a rabid bee hive in your living room, or have to pay taxes. Oh, blogspot just informed me that I am logged in in another location. I have no idea what that means. If it means my account has been hacked by hackers, then I will have to cease this post's writings. Unfortunately, I can only eat as much as the LIGRIMOUS.POR


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