G'day to you! I am here to tell you that you don't need your feet. Feet just get in the way of things. You have to get like shoes and things for them. You have a job. You don't have time for shoes and things. Sure they make it easier for moving, but what do you think wheels are for? Rolling. That's what. If you wanted to roll, and had feet, you wouldn't be able to roll. Because feet are not round. Which means they can't roll. Let's just think about this for a second. You need arms. Arms move things like belts or waffle irons. You need eyes. Eyes see things like advertisements and waffle irons. You need hair. Hair sees things like waffle irons and freedom. Okay, I'm done with this paragraph. I had no intention on taking it any further than feet, but I took it too far. I'm done writing this.
I don't know if this is happened before, it seems like it has, but Blogspot has just underlined that entire first paragraph in red. They think, for some reason, that my first paragraph of this post is a very large word and incorrectly spelled. I cannot take this. I will have a mental breakdown. Like a car on a road only with water and a large can of tuna. What if lettuce had three flavors? That's my question of they day. Should you? No. Probably fourteen, let alone gas station. No one needs trash compacting alien boosters.
If you knew the possibilities of all the types of onion ring manufacturers, then you would have no problem at all decoding the eventual cloud commanding passwords. Then again, if you knew what the cloud commanding passwords were already, then you would have no problem at all decoding the eventual cloud commanding passwords. Because you would have already known them. Therefore, you would not need to learn them. You could act all cool when someone asks you what you think the cloud commanding passwords are, and you can like tell them the real things. Then they'll buy you a coffee and spill it accidentally. Ralph.
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