Thursday, January 19, 2017

C'mon Poland

Is there anyone here who can even read? Like, almost no people can read. It boggles my mind. If you can read, please tell me. I need to know who can read. I need to know. You might as well be a chimney, loser. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I mean, I did, but I also didn't. Burnt plastic is really the way to go, for like, all the situations. I mean really. Forget the toxicity of burning plastic, think of the children. Please.

Forcible tornado cream, am i right?? hah. No. No I'm not. Never speak to me again. You speak to me again, and I will call you a chimney like twelve more times. I'm serious. You chimney. That's one. Eleven more times are coming. Don't even come near me with that chimney face you chimney. UGH.

Forget the snowmans, shoot the goats with boat cannons. That is, cannons that fire goat projectiles. Very popular in.....absolutely no where. Who would ever use those for any purpose whatsoever? No one. That's who. Goats are a horrible projectile. They probably can't even pierce like six inches of armor. Useless. Can't even use them for assassinations.


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