Thursday, December 8, 2016

Carlos And His Guild Of Bats

Hi. Can't you just for one second stop patronizing me? Surely I deserve better than this. I mean, you're just a solid block of bird poop. Who, in the freaking world, would ever listen to a solid block of bird poop? And I don't mean the like sort of solid kind like maybe jello or something, I'm talking the hardest material known to man. Diamonds mixed with carbon fiber mixed with even more diamonds mixed with ice mixed with concrete mixed with steel mixed with iron mixed with steel mixed with concrete mixed with canola oil. Scientists call it, Bob Material.

Ecuador, am i right?

More to the point, have you ever seen the sky? I mean really seen it? I don't think it's really there. I think science is trying to deceive us, just as they tried to deceive us about the Bob Material. But we all know how well that turned out for them. I mean just look what happened during the 1940s. The invention of fans (air blowing devices) sure didn't help things. They did nothing but cause harm to all. All. Every.

Silicone should be illegal. I mean it.


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