Thursday, June 9, 2016

Zombie Baked Goods

All right, welcome back LOSERS. Sorry. That was uncalled for. I have no evidence to support that claim. I mean, you all could, in fact, be losers, but I have no way of knowing for sure. There are some tell-tale signs that could point to you being a loser, however. For instance, if you generally consist of polymers with minor impurities of other organic compounds and also water, then you could be a loser. Chances are you probably come from Malaysia too.

Eggplants are not pink. There is absolutely nothing you can do to convince me otherwise. If you say "eggplants are pink," I would simply not believe you, or act like I didn't hear what you said. Then I'd probably spend thousands of dollars hiring mercenaries to assassinate a herd of sheep located on a local ranch. This is what you make me do. I will slowly wipe out the Earth's sheep population if you continue to try to convince me that eggplants are pink.

While it is true that there are probably more than thirty clouds in the sky at any given moment, have you taken the time to consider if you may also be a cloud? You really should. There are some tell-tale signs that could point to you being a cloud. First of all, if you're French, you have a 16% higher chance of being a cloud. Also, if you have a hard time hearing out of both of your ears, you also have a higher chance of being a cloud. You see, clouds can't hear sounds.

If you've ever looked into the eyes of a cat you know what Vladimir Putin was thinking when he decided to play the piano poorly on international television. You were both probably thinking, "wow this isn't a good idea but I'm doing it anyway." Then Putin probably thought, "wow am i russian or what." Don't forget to tip your hard-earned elephant trunks.


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