Thursday, February 18, 2016

Abflats Three Year Anniversary Extreme Extravaganza Post +1

Hello and welcome. You may have noticed, assuming you have eyes, and that you are a living being, today's post is the Abflats Three Year Anniversary Extreme Extravaganza Post +1. Why is it +1 you ask? Because if you subtract one from this post you get the post from last week. The post from last week was the actual Abflats Three Year Anniversary Extreme Extravaganza Post. I thought I would go ahead and say it for a second time here, even though it is thoroughly explained in last week's post. If you read last week's post word for word, which you should have, you will have learned a great many things. Some of those things include, but are not limited to:

- Last week's post was Abflats' Three Year Anniversary Extreme Extravaganza Post

Now, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. The secret is as follows, you must keep reading to learn of the secret. That was the secret. Now, if you read only the first letter of each line of last week's post, which happened to be Abflats' Three Year Anniversary Extreme Extravaganza Post, you will read a secret message. The message was cleverly disguised as the first letter of each line, and you were none the wiser. The wiser being someone who is on fire but is also not flammable. You weren't that someone.

It's really important that you read this paragraph. What I am about to tell you, within this paragraph, will determine matters of great importance. Those matters include, but are not limited to:

- Last week's post was Abflats' Three Year Anniversary Extreme Extravaganza Post

Once you have learned of these matter of great importance, you will commence the reading of this final paragraph. What you will learn from this final paragraph is, again, a matter of great importance. Only this time, the matters of great importance cannot be described by humans. It can only be described by the most learned of all llamas. And we all know the smartest llamas come from the Smart Llama Organization of Llama Land. Within this exclusive covenant of llamas lies the one Super Llama who can describe the matters of great importance to which this paragraph will teach you. Go to this llama. Learn the matters of great importance. View Tom Hanks.


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