Thursday, December 11, 2014

Rabid Helicopters

Good morning. I was having a discussion earlier with a potted plant about how much tax reeks large corporations should be getting. Taxes smell really bad, and it is of my opinion that large corporations should not get them. They will make their buildings smell bad when I walk into them, and I don't want to be smelling bad smelling smells while in large buildings owned by businesses. It's just not an enjoyable experience. I hope you understand where I am coming from here, but tax reeks are just bad for the economy. 

It has also come to my attention that the national color for China is green. The only explanation I have for this is that well maybe they were thinking that green is the color of trees and China is a land area that has some trees somewhere probably so green can be applied in that sense but if you think about green as in avocados then well we have a whole different situation then don't we I mean sure there are probably some avocados in China somewhere I mean why wouldn't there be but of course surely I assume that trees are more abundant in the land that which China occupies therefore green China. It's the only thing I could think of that could explain China's green.

Have you ever thought of the time that there were in which of course could? Obviously not or you would have already done in which that allows all can be. Even so, if you weren't even triad the way to become camera operator you shouldn't have the partitioning capabilities that one could expect even from which there was of course inside of washed clothes unless there were tons of them around inside cardboard can thank you you're welcome away from the wind.


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