It has just come to my attention that camels are the ones with humps. Not llamas. This really disappoints me severely. It really needs to be addressed. This shouldn't happen ever again; it's inexcusable. I cannot believe how incredibly terrible. Llamas and camels should just become the same animal and save us all the trouble. There really is no reason that this should be a factor in plant life, but it is. Plants all over the country have complained about this camel llama situation. I don't believe it.
If your name was Mark then you too would also probably have an opinion. Whether that opinion is about Florida or the right to burn trash compactors at will, it's an opinion none the less. I cannot even begin to describe the amount of opinions there are, mostly because there are exactly 48,209,285.18. The .18 is because sometimes there are Marks that are unsure about their position. It's probably the plant life that does it.
Even though I talked about most things in this post, there are still a lot of things I haven't talked about. Such as credit card policies, cargo ships that cross the Atlantic Ocean, and the fact that walruses are really large. These, I'm sure, will come up later on. It's not up to me anyway. I have this large mountain of ideas made out of syrup and flammable gases that decide for me. They're telling me now that I must end this post. I may be held captive by them at some point. They mention that to me almost daily.
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